Global AI Governance

Treaties as a tool for global AI governance


First of all, the term “treaty” is used here in the sense defined by the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (VCLT)1:

“treaty” means an international agreement concluded between States in written form and governed by international law, whether embodied in a single instrument or in two or more related instruments and whatever its particular designation

This means that states can call their agreement “convention”, “charter”, “pact”, “protocol” or whatever they like — legally speaking there is no difference. As a matter of social convention, “constitution” (as in Constitution of the World Health Organization) and “charter” (as in Charter of the United Nations) are terms used for more foundational treaties, possibly the constituent instrument of an international organization, but there are counterexamples.

Other important terms describe the status of a participant with regard to a treaty:

“negotiating State” means a State which took part in the drawing up and adoption of the text of the treaty;
“contracting State” means a State which has consented to be bound by the treaty, whether or not the treaty has entered into force;
“party” means a State which has consented to be bound by the treaty and for which the treaty is in force;
“third State” means a State not a party to the treaty;

These definitions apply mutatis mutandis to supranational entities lawfully participating in treaties, such as the European Union.

What these definitions show is that consent to be bound is a key notion in the Law of Treaties. VCLT article 11 sets out the means of expressing consent to be bound:

The consent of a State to be bound by a treaty may be expressed by signature, exchange of instruments constituting a treaty, ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, or by any other means if so agreed.

Signature can be a means of expressing consent to be bound or it can be subject to ratification. The latter is commonly the case for large-scale multilateral treaties, including those discussed on this website, and hence “signatory” is not a synonym for “party”.

For treaty participation maps elsewhere on this website the term “contractant” is used to denote the intermediary status between signatory and party, i.e. in line with the definitions above, for “a State which has consented to be bound by the treaty, but for which the treaty has not yet entered into force”. There are two main scenarios: (i) the treaty has not yet reached the conditions for entry into force, or (ii) the treaty has specified a waiting period between expression of consent to be bound and entry into force.

Acceptance and approval are essentially the same as ratification, whereas accession is typically reserved to states not having signed the treaty. Whether and under which conditions accession is possible depends on the treaty at hand.

Treaty life cycle

There are a few important events and stages in the “life” of a treaty that are frequently referred to on this website and elsewhere. Here a synopsis for multilateral treaties:

  1. Negotiating and drafting phase (can take years)
  2. Adoption of the final treaty text (also called conclusion)
  3. Signature (often in a ceremony and serving as authentication of the text in its official languages)
  4. Domestic ratification phase (can take years)
  5. Deposit of the instrument of ratification/acceptance/approval with the designated treaty depositary
  6. Once the conditions for entry into force are met (typically depending on the number of ratifications, but sometimes also on additional conditions), the depositary communicates the entry into force to all participants (typically after a waiting period of a few months to allow for preparations)
  7. Entry into force – the treaty becomes binding for all its contracting states (but not for mere signatories and third states)
  8. Accession by non-signatories (if provided for by treaty)
  9. (Denunciation/withdrawal of parties — rare)
  10. Treaty amendment in accordance with procedure specified by treaty (typically with adoption and ratification of the amending agreement, but simplified procedures are common as well)
  11. (Possible termination of treaty — very rare)

Both the treaty itself and each party to it have an entry into force date for the treaty, and they only coincide if the participant has ratified the treaty by the date the entry into force conditions are met.

Treaties vs other tools

It is sometimes argued that treaties too rigid and slow to be useful for effective global governance. However, this view, if it is not implicitly arguing for a world government or for industry self-regulation, is often based on a misunderstanding of either the concept of a treaty or of the customary law of treaties (to a large extent reflected in the VCLT). The Law of Treaties imposes very few constraints, and there are many examples of flexible and agile treaties. The bottleneck is typically state consent, i.e. domestic politics, not international law.

List of relevant treaties

The following is a chronological list of treaties discussed elsewhere on this website.

Adoption Treaty In Force UNTS
1944-12-07 Convention on International Civil Aviation 1947-04-04 UNTS
1948-03-06 Convention on the International Maritime Organization 1958-03-17 UNTS
1949-09-19 Convention on Road Traffic 1952-03-26 UNTS
1953-03-31 Convention on the International Right of Correction 1962-08-24 UNTS
1958-03-20 Agreement concerning the Adoption of Harmonized Technical United Nations Regulations for Wheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts which can be Fitted and/or be Used on Wheeled Vehicles and the Conditions for Reciprocal Recognition of Approvals Granted on the Basis of these United Nations Regulations 1959-06-20 UNTS
1960-12-15 Convention against discrimination in education 1962-05-22 UNTS
1963-06-25 Convention (No. 119) concerning the guarding of machinery 1965-04-21 UNTS
1966-03-07 International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination 1969-01-04 UNTS
1966-12-16 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 1976-03-23 UNTS
1966-12-16 International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights 1976-01-03 UNTS
1966-12-16 Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 1976-03-23 UNTS
1968-11-08 Convention on Road Traffic 1977-05-21 UNTS
1970-12-16 Convention for the Suppression of unlawful seizure of aircraft 1971-10-14 UNTS
1971-09-23 Convention for the suppression of unlawful acts against the safety of civil aviation 1973-01-26 UNTS
1974-11-01 International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 1980-05-25 UNTS
1979-12-18 Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women 1981-09-03 UNTS
1980-10-10 Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons which may be deemed to be Excessively Injurious or to have Indiscriminate Effects (with Protocols I, II and III) 1983-12-02 UNTS
1981-01-28 Convention for the protection of individuals with regard to automatic processing of personal data 1985-10-01 UNTS
1981-06-22 Convention (No. 155) concerning occupational safety and health and the working environment 1983-08-11 UNTS
1984-12-10 Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment 1987-06-26 UNTS
1988-03-10 Convention for the suppression of unlawful acts against the safety of maritime navigation 1992-03-01 UNTS
1989-11-20 Convention on the Rights of the Child 1990-09-02 UNTS
1990-12-18 International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families 2003-07-01 UNTS
1992-12-22 Constitution and Convention of the International Telecommunication Union 1994-07-01 UNTS
1997-12-15 International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings 2001-05-23 UNTS
1998-06-25 Agreement concerning the Establishing of Global Technical Regulations for Wheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts which can be fitted and/or be used on Wheeled Vehicles 2000-08-25 UNTS
1999-10-06 Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women 2000-12-22 UNTS
2000-11-15 United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime 2003-09-29 UNTS
2001-11-08 Additional Protocol to the Convention for the protection of individuals with regard to automatic processing of personal data, regarding supervisory authorities and transborder data flows 2004-07-01 UNTS
2001-11-23 Convention on cybercrime 2004-07-01 UNTS
2002-12-18 Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment 2006-06-22 UNTS
2003-01-28 Additional Protocol to the Convention on cybercrime, concerning the criminalization of acts of a racist and xenophobic nature committed through computer systems 2006-03-01 UNTS
2006-12-13 Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2008-05-03 UNTS
2006-12-20 International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance 2010-12-23 UNTS
2008-12-10 Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights 2013-05-05 UNTS
2013-04-02 Arms Trade Treaty 2014-12-24 UNTS

This list is by no means exhaustive of treaties relevant for international AI governance. Applicable law will depend on the specific circumstances of the use and effects of artificial intelligence technologies.

OSCOLA style treaty references for some of these treaties can be downloaded from my Automating treaty references project repository with explanations for the data processing decisions made and instructions for how to adapt the code.



Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (adopted 23 May 1969, in force 27 January 1980) 1155 UNTS 331 (VCLT).