Global AI Governance

AI and Global Goals

In addition to hard and soft law, the setting of global goals and targets has become a common practice to galvanize, prioritize, and evaluate international action.

Sustainable Development Goals

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs, 2015-2030), following on from the Millenium Development Goals (2000-2015), are currently the Global Goals, and almost every IO, process and platform has published information on how its activities map onto the SDGs.

A few examples:

Sendai Framework

The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 (Sendai Framework) outlines 7 global targets and 38 global indicators to measure progress towards addressing the three dimensions of disaster risk (exposure to hazards, vulnerability and capacity, and hazard’s characteristics) in order to prevent the creation of new risk, reduce existing risk and increase resilience.

The UNDRR’s Scientific and Technical Advisory Group (STAG) provides technical advice and support in the formulation and implementation of activities carried out by the disaster risk reduction community.