Global AI Governance

AI and transport

There are innumerable applications of AI, automation, data science, digital technology and robotics in the transport sector broadly construed.

Anything that involves venturing into environments which are hazardous for our vulnerable bodies, such as outer space, the deep sea, active volcanoes, oil wells, or nuclear reactors is best left to robot helpers. Such applications have long propelled robotics & automation research, and with ever smarter technology much more ground is yet to be covered.

Another advantage is that automated transport can be safer and more reliable than human-driven transport. Aviation, shipping, rail and even road transport are becoming ever more automated. Physical and digital infrastructure optimization are going hand in hand in this process, and international regulation of both is necessary to ensure safety, efficiency, accessibility, affordability, sustainability, and privacy.

This section of the website provides a high-level overview to international law governing automation and digitization in the domains of:

It’s barely scratching the surface and readers are encouraged to visit official websites linked to in the relevant sections.

More content will be added in the future, such as on international law governing AI & robotics in Earth orbit and outer space.